Family Christmas

Created by Harry 3 years ago

We have so many happy memories of Prutton Family Boxing Days gone by, you and Nan arriving laden down with presents, excited to see everyone, saying hello to the dogs amid the mayhem of us all being together. Dinners with a table full of food and you always saying "I don't want too much", enjoying your sweet desserts, which you shouldn't of really had. Our favourite memories are of playing games at the table after dinner, in particular Pass the Pudding - it would be fair to say it was always hilarious when you got really frustrated that the person next to you held onto the pudding until the last minute and you were always out! You were always so proud of our achievements at school, uni and work. We will raise a lemoncello to you Grandad (don't worry, I'll go easy! Olivia) and a cup of tea (Georgia), Love you Grandad.

Georgia & Olivia xxx